Asset inventory management

Last updated: Nov 2, 2023

Check out our policies on these assets:

How we manage
Hardware refresh ensures that Redoxers have access to assets in line with emergent technologies. All laptops are eligible for a refresh three years from the date of purchase, aligning to the laptop’s warranty expiration. We evaluate our hardware regularly to compare technology advancements with our current standards.
We use Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for hosting our product. Our platform hosts are responsible for maintaining the hardware they use, following strict security guidelines.
Physical inventory
We leverage features in our device-management software to maintain an inventory of all company-owned physical computing equipment. A serial number and owner are assigned to all assets, and we track assets in our system of record through the end of life. Our Security team reviews the software inventory on a quarterly basis.
Paper records
We don't use paper records for any sensitive information. Our policy prohibits printing sensitive data.