Create and link a config modifier

Last updated: Aug 5, 2024

A config modifier contains custom instructions for processing data at an indicated stage of log processing. Learn about config modifiers.

Typically, a project manager or engineer will create and link any config modifiers during an implementation project with a new connection.

  1. Log in to the Redox dashboard.
  2. From the navigation menu, click the Logs page.
  3. By default, the search bar and filters display, along with any logs from the last seven days. Use search terms, filters, or both to find a log from the subscription you want to link a config modifier to. Click the relevant log in the list.
  4. The log details display on the right, which includes the log ID and the processing stages the log went through. Click the Log inspector button. You won't see this option if you're not assigned to an engineer or support role.
  5. Log inspector runs and opens a new page with the source, destination, timestamp, and operation details (review operation types). Operations display in their sequential processing order.
  6. Select the config modifier tab at the processing location you want to link a config modifier to. Review our linking recommendations.
  7. Any existing config modifiers for that processing location display. Click the Create new button or Copy from existing option from the drop-down menu.
  8. The Settings form opens. Fill out these fields:
    1. Name: Enter a human-friendly name for your config modifier.
    2. Subscription: This field is automatically populated with the subscription that the link relates to. If you didn't mean to link a config modifier for this subscription, click the Cancel button. Then find a log for the subscription you want to add a config modifier to.
    3. Flavor: Select the radio button for either Put or Delete. Remember that Put either writes new data or replaces existing data in a payload, while Delete removes specific parts of a payload.
    4. Selector: Enter the JSON path of the field the modifier should act on. Learn how to choose or write a selector.
    5. Event types: By default, all event types are selected. If you want to apply the config modifier only to certain event types, click the field and select the relevant event type(s).
    6. Schema: (only for Put flavors) Enter the set of keywords with instructions for what changes to make when applying the config modifier. Learn how to build a config modifier.
  9. (Recommended) Click the Run log inspector button to preview the impact this new or edited config modifier would have on the selected log. Review the processing snapshots below to see what would change.
  10. Once you're finished testing and previewing changes, click the Save button. This links the config modifier to the selected subscription and event type(s) for real-time traffic. If you click the Cancel button, any changes are discarded.
  11. Repeat this process for any other config modifiers you want to create for this processing location. You can have multiple config modifiers for different paths at the same processing location. However, you can only create one config modifier per path.