Troubleshoot FHIR writeback errors

Last updated: Aug 16, 2024

You may run into errors when sending writeback messages to the Redox FHIR® sandbox. Review these common errors and recommendations for fixing them. Or, review writeback best practices to preemptively prevent errors.

reference target(s) not found: <resource>
Your payload may include one or more reference values to resources that don't exist within the Redox FHIR® sandbox.
Make sure the included reference values are valid FHIR® IDs and not generic values.
Remember that our FHIR® API specs have generic values to show the schema. They don't contain sample requests for you to copy/paste.
resource id mismatch, id of existing resource: <resource id>, id from request: <other resource id>
The bundle in your payload may include a reference to a resource that already exists within the FHIR® sandbox, but you're using a different resource ID.
We recommend not including resource IDs in a writeback message. Instead, use the fullURL, especially if resource IDs aren't known to the originating FHIR® server. Learn more about handling FHIR® IDs.
You may see this error if you're copying/pasting examples from our FHIR® API schemas. We use generic values, not UUIDs, in our examples. For data on demand, you should be using UUIDs.
Update the value to what exists in the FHIR® sandbox, or remove the ID and use the fullURL instead.
unknown field: \"<field name>\"
The FHIR® server isn't able to parse a value in your payload.
This typically means one of your values isn't FHIR® conformant. Use a FHIR® validator like one of these below to make sure your payload is FHIR® conformant.
expected binary data: found <provided data>
There's a mismatch between the data type provided in a specific field and what the FHIR® server expects.
This error specifically indicates that the FHIR® server expects a binary data string but instead received a different data type.