This resource contains one or more results, findings, or measurements to inform a patient’s clinical condition (e.g., vitals, imaging results, lab results, device measurements).
Observations can help to identify baselines and patterns or define personal characteristics for a patient (e.g., height, weight, eye color). A DiagnosticReport resource may reference Observation resources to provide the metadata for a complete diagnostic report.
You can review, retrieve, create, or update observations for a patient.
Replace an existing standalone or collection of observations in your connection's system.
To replace an entire report, use the DiagnosticReport$diagnosticreport-update operation instead.
cURL request example
Request Body Schema
- resourceTyperequired, string
Identifies the type of the resource
- typerequired, string
Identifies this bundle as a message
- entryrequired, Array of messageHeader, patient, observation, encounter
Results are typically written as a collection of Observation resources grouped into a DiagnosticReport. To update an entire report, use the
operation.Use this endpoint only to update standalone Observations.
An array of FHIR resources. At a minimum, an Observation Result should include the following entries:
- Patient - the patient
- Observation - the observation result
- resourcerequired, object
Additional metadata about the message including the event
- resourceTyperequired, string
Identifies the type of the resource
- sourcerequired, object
Information about the sender of the message and the Bundle content.
- endpointrequired, string
Identifies the routing target to send acknowledgements to.
- namestring
Human-readable name for the source system.
- focusrequired, Array of object
This describes the focal target resource of the message from which the remainder of the content is referenced from
Must be a resource of type
.- referencestring
A reference to another resource. This is typically either a relative reference which includes the resource type and ID, or an internal reference which starts with
and refers to a contained resource.
- eventUrirequired, string
This describes the message being communicated
An entry in the bundle containing a FHIR resource
- timestampstring
The date/time that the bundle was assembled - i.e. when the resources were placed in the bundle.
Bundle sent as part of a Observation-update message