Carequality identity and organization structure

Last updated: Mar 20, 2024

The Carequality Interoperability Framework uses object identifiers (OIDs) to designate unique organizations and records belonging to Carequality participants. An OID is a globally unique identifier of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Learn more about OIDs.

Carequality OIDs

You must use (and we provide for you) three OID types within the Carequality Framework:

OID type
OID structure
Corresponds to your organization on the Carequality Framework.
Corresponds one-to-one with your Master Patient Indexes (MPIs). We create the first one for you, but if you have multiple MPIs, you should create as many patient OIDs to equal the number of MPIs in our system.
Corresponds one-to-one with each document exchanged on the Framework. You must have a document OID for every document you exchange. This can be either Redox-generated OID followed by your ID (e.g., …3.1^12345) or a version 4 UUID. Learn more about version 4 UUIDs.

If you believe you need additional OIDs, talk to a Redoxer for options and pricing.

Your organization OID

If you're using Redox Access™, your organization is part of the Redox gateway OID, which is typically based off this OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.6147.458.2.

If you're responding to Carequality on your own—or if you have a valid exception to mutual exchange—your OID is different: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.6147.458.3.

Multiple Carequality organizations

There should be a one-to-one relationship between a parent organization and each patient census setup. The parent organization record should point to the Redox gateway: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.6147.458.2.

You may need to create multiple organization records under one parent organization if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You have multiple brick-and-mortar locations where you provide services to patients;
  • You work with multiple MPIs. For example, you provide services on behalf of a provider who has their own MPI; or
  • You want to list your organization in multiple locations to make your patients more discoverable to other Carequality participants.

We recommend defining a hierarchy for your organization by using the partOf field in Organization.New data model to create child organizations.