Create a traffic alert rule

Last updated: Nov 16, 2023

We offer proactive monitoring for your organization in the Redox dashboard using traffic alert rules. When you create a traffic alert rule and the conditions of the rule are met in your system, we send an email to the designated users.

There are two types of traffic alert rules: No Traffic or Error Threshold.

Traffic alert rules notify you about irregularities so you don't have to constantly check the dashboard yourself. Bonus, you can independently monitor the health of your integration without relying on Redox support.

These instructions are for creating one traffic alert rule at a time. If you want to create multiple traffic alert rules, you can create your own script and programmatically create a batch of alerts in an environment using the Platform API.

  1. Log in to the Redox dashboard.
  2. From the navigation menu, click the Monitoring page.
  3. By default, the Traffic Alert Rules tab opens and displays any configured alerts. You can search for, filter, and see the latest status of any configured alerts for the current environment.
  4. To create a new alert rule, click the Create Rule button.
  5. The Create New Alert page opens. Select the options for the Connection Scope section.
    • Connection: Select the connection you want to create a rule for.
    • Subscription: Click the Select Subscription link to open the dialog with all the subscription options for the connection you selected. You can also use the search bar to locate the subscription you're looking for or page through the options using the FIRST, PREV, NEXT, and LAST buttons.
  6. Next, select the options for the Alert Settings and Alert Name section.
    • Alert Type: Select either No Traffic or Error Threshold. Depending on which you select, you also must populate the fields that appear for time or number of errors.
    • In the Alert Name section, enter a descriptive name for the new alert.
  7. In the Notifications section, you can choose who should be notified when an alert is triggered. Enter the email address(es) that should receive the alert notification. Use commas to separate email addresses if the alert notification should go to more than one address.
  8. Click the Create Rule button to save the new alert.
  9. The Alert Rules tab opens again and displays the new alert. You can click on the alert to expand and view the details like the alert type and time window, along with the name of the user that created the rule. If you're the creator of the alert rule or an organization owner, you can also edit, pause, or delete the alert.
    Traffic alert rule details and options
    Traffic alert rule details and options
  10. Redox evaluates every 15 minutes for Error Threshold alerts or every 30 minutes for No Traffic alerts. Whenever the conditions of the alert are met, Redox sends an email to the specified list of email addresses. The email includes the alert type with a link to view the related logs. The specified users also receive an email when an alert has been cleared.