Create and link a traffic alert rule

Last updated: Jan 10, 2025

The Monitoring page in the Redox dashboard allows you to view and manage your traffic alert rules. Learn about alert rules.

You may create alert rules for two scenarios: No Traffic or Error Threshold.

You must link the relevant subscription(s) to an alert rule to begin monitoring. You can pause or delete subscription links at any time.

Create an alert rule

You may only create one alert rule at a time.

  1. Log in to the Redox dashboard.
  2. From the navigation menu, click the Monitoring page.
  3. By default, the Alert Rules tab opens and displays any configured alert rules with their latest status (statuses won't display for alerts that aren't linked to at least one subscription). You can either:
    1. Expand an alert rule to view its linked subscriptions.
    2. Search for or filter to change which configured alert rules display for the current environment.
  4. To create a new alert rule, click the Create Rule button.
  5. The Create New Alert page opens. In the Alert Name field, enter a human-friendly name for the alert. This name will be displayed on the Alert Rules tab, so we recommend choosing a name that will be descriptive enough for you to keep track of which rule it's for.
    Create a new alert rule
    Create a new alert rule
  6. In the Alert Type drop-down field, select either No Traffic or Error Threshold.
  7. In the Within drop-down field, select the time interval that Redox should check for the alert rule conditions.
    • For No Traffic alert rules, select any of these time intervals:
      • 30 minutes
      • 1 hour
      • 2 hours
      • 6 hours
      • 12 hours
      • 24 hours
      • 48 hours
      • 72 hours
    • For Error Threshold alert rules, select any of these time intervals:
      • 15 minutes
      • 30 minutes
      • 1 hour
      • 2 hours
      • 6 hours
      • 12 hours
      • 24 hours
  8. For Error Threshold alert rules, use the up and down arrows to choose the allowable number of errors before an alert rule is triggered.
    Select type and time interval
    Select type and time interval
  9. (Optional) Select any relevant Ignore options. Notifications for triggered alerts won't be sent on ignored days.
    1. If you select ignore options, you must also select the appropriate time zone to determine the boundaries of the ignored days.
      Ignore options
      Ignore options
  10. In the Notifications section, enter the email address(es) that should receive a notification when the conditions of the alert rule are met. Use commas to separate email addresses if the alert notification should go to more than one address.
    Enter email address(es) for notifications
    Enter email address(es) for notifications
  11. Click the Create Rule button to save, or click the Cancel button to discard the rule.
  12. The Settings page for the new alert rule opens with its details. To start monitoring rule conditions, link an alert rule to one or more subscriptions.

Edit an alert rule

  1. Review any alert rules in the environment on the Alert Rules tab. Find the one you want to edit. Click the alert rule name or View details button.
  2. The Settings page opens with the alert rule's details and links. Click the Edit button.
    Edit an alert rule
    Edit an alert rule
  3. The Edit Alert Rule page opens. Edit the alert name, settings, or notifications.
  4. Once you're finished, click the Save Edits button.
    Save edits
    Save edits

Delete an alert rule

  1. Review any alert rules in the environment on the Alert Rules tab. Find the one you want to edit. Click the alert rule name or View details button.
  2. The Settings page opens with the alert rule's details and links.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click the Delete button. Deleting an alert rule also deletes any associated subscription links.
  4. A confirmation modal appears. Click the Delete button to proceed or the Cancel button to keep the alert rule.
    Delete an alert rule
    Delete an alert rule

Once you've created an alert rule, you must link it to one or more subscriptions to begin monitoring the rule's conditions.

  1. Review any alert rules in the environment on the Alert Rules tab. Find the one you want to link. Click the alert rule name or View details button.
  2. The Settings page opens with the alert rule's details and links. Under the Links section, select the relevant connection from the drop-down menu.
    Select a connection for an alert rule link
    Select a connection for an alert rule link
  3. Click the Select Subscription link to open the dialog with all the subscription options for the connection you selected. Click the radio button of the relevant subscription, then click the Select Subscription button.
  4. Click the Link rule button to finish linking the alert rule to the subscription.
    Select a subscription to link
    Select a subscription to link
  5. The new link appears in the table. Redox begins evaluating every 15 minutes for Error Threshold alerts or every 30 minutes for No Traffic alerts.
  6. Whenever the alert rule conditions are met, we send a notification to the specified list of email addresses. The notification includes the alert rule type with a link to view the related log(s). The specified users also receive a notification when the triggered condition resolves.
  7. Repeat these steps to link the alert rule to as many other subscriptions as needed.

Pausing a link temporarily halts subscription monitoring. The alert rule will still be linked to the subscription, but Redox won't watch for any of the specified conditions. So pausing only affects monitoring, not actual subscription traffic.

Deleting a link removes the subscription from the alert rule, meaning the subscription won't be monitored anymore. Deleting the link doesn't delete the alert rule itself, though.

  1. Review any alert rules in the environment on the Alert Rules tab. Find the one with the link to modify. Click the drop-down arrow to expand the details.
  2. Click the Pause or Delete button next to the relevant subscription link.
    Option 1: Pause an alert rule link
    Option 1: Pause an alert rule link
  3. Alternatively, you can click the alert rule name to open its Settings page. Under the Links section, you can pause or delete subscriptions.
    Option 2: Pause an alert rule link
    Option 2: Pause an alert rule link
  4. To resume monitoring, click the Resume button.
    Resume alert rule monitoring
    Resume alert rule monitoring

View and monitor the status of a linked subscription

  1. Log in to the Redox dashboard.
  2. From the navigation menu, click the Monitoring page.
  3. By default, the Alert Rules tab opens and displays configured alert rules with any subscription links. Find the one you want to monitor.
  4. View the alert rule's global status on the righthand side. This global status will only be visible if there are one or more subscriptions already linked to the alert rule.
    Global status
    Global status
  5. Click the drop-down arrow for a quick view of linked subscriptions, which includes an individual status for each subscription.
    Expand details
    Expand details
  6. To manage alert rule links and edit alert details, click the alert name to open its Settings page.