PractitionerRole read

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This resource defines a practitioner’s specialty, services, or location(s). A practitioner may have different contact or licensing information, depending on the location. Alternatively, the practitioner may change roles over a period of time. For either of these scenarios, you may see multiple PractitionerRole resources for one practitioner.

You can review or retrieve practitioner role records.


Review a specific PractitionerRole resource with details about a practitioner's role at a given location.

To use a read interaction, you must know the related resource ID, which you may not have in your real workflows. A read is likely only a follow-up option after receiving the specific resource in a recent FHIR® passthrough or data on demand exchange.

Typically, you should use the more flexible _search with query parameters, unless you're guaranteed to request data directly from a FHIR® server using the resource ID. Learn more about using FHIR® identifiers.

Request parameters

cURL request example

curl '{destinationSlug}/{environmentFlag}/PractitionerRole/{id}' \
--request GET \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN'

Request Parameters

  • id
    required, string

    PractitionerRole identifier

Response fields and example

  • resourceType
    required, string

    Identifies the type of the resource

    Value: PractitionerRole
  • id

    The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.

  • practitioner

    Practitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization.

    Must be a resource of type Practitioner.

    • reference

      A reference to another resource. This is typically either a relative reference which includes the resource type and ID, or an internal reference which starts with # and refers to a contained resource.

    • identifier

      An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference.

      • extension
        Array of Boolean, String, CodeableConcept, Coding, HumanName or Reference

        May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.

        • url
          required, string

          Source of the definition for the extension code - a logical name or a URL.

        • valueBoolean

          A single value for the extension.

      • use

        The purpose of this identifier.

        Possible Values: usual, official, temp, secondary, old (If known)
      • system

        Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.

      • value

        The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.

  • organization

    The organization where the Practitioner performs the roles associated.

    Must be a resource of type Organization.

    • reference

      A reference to another resource. This is typically either a relative reference which includes the resource type and ID, or an internal reference which starts with # and refers to a contained resource.

  • code
    Array of object

    Roles which this practitioner is authorized to perform for the organization.

    • coding
      Array of object

      A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.

      • system

        The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.

      • code

        A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).

    • text

      A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.

  • location
    Array of object

    The location(s) at which this practitioner provides care.

    Must be a resource of type Location.

    • reference

      A reference to another resource. This is typically either a relative reference which includes the resource type and ID, or an internal reference which starts with # and refers to a contained resource.