RelatedPerson read

Page View

This resource includes details about an individual that's connected to a patient in some way, whether a family member, neighbor, or otherwise. Related persons aren’t formally contracted but are involved with the patient’s care in some way.

You can only review related person records.


Review a specific RelatedPerson resource with details about a non-clinical person involved in a patient's care.

Request parameters

cURL request example

curl '{destinationSlug}/{environmentFlag}/RelatedPerson/{id}' \
--request GET \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN'

Request Parameters

  • id
    required, string

    RelatedPerson identifier

Response fields and example


    A person that is related to a patient, but who is not a direct target of care

  • resourceType
    required, string

    Identifies the type of the resource

    Value: RelatedPerson
  • patient
    required, object

    The patient this person is related to.

    Must be a resource of type Patient.

    • reference

      A reference to another resource. This is typically either a relative reference which includes the resource type and ID, or an internal reference which starts with # and refers to a contained resource.

  • id

    The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.

  • extension
    Array of spouse, employer or Other

    May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.

      Contains the spouse's name of a RelatedPerson resource

    • url
      required, string

      Source of the definition for the extension code - a logical name or a URL.

    • valueHumanName

      Value of extension - must be one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility for a list).

      • use

        Identifies the purpose for this name.

        Possible Values: usual, official, temp, nickname, anonymous, old, maiden
      • family

        The part of a name that links to the genealogy. In some cultures (e.g. Eritrea) the family name of a son is the first name of his father.

      • given
        Array of string

        Given name.

  • identifier
    Array of object

    Identifier for a person within a particular scope.

    • extension
      Array of Boolean, String, CodeableConcept, Coding

      May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.

      • url
        required, string

        Source of the definition for the extension code - a logical name or a URL.

      • valueBoolean

        A single value for the extension.

    • use

      The purpose of this identifier.

      Possible Values: usual, official, temp, secondary, old (If known)
    • system

      Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.

    • value

      The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.

  • relationship
    Array of object

    The nature of the relationship between a patient and the related person.

    • text

      A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.

  • name
    Array of object

    A name associated with the person.

    • use

      Identifies the purpose for this name.

      Possible Values: usual, official, temp, nickname, anonymous, old, maiden
    • family

      The part of a name that links to the genealogy. In some cultures (e.g. Eritrea) the family name of a son is the first name of his father.

    • given
      Array of string

      Given name.

  • telecom
    Array of object

    A contact detail for the person, e.g. a telephone number or an email address.

    • system

      Telecommunications form for contact point - what communications system is required to make use of the contact.

      Possible Values: phone, fax, email, pager, url, sms, other
    • value

      The actual contact point details, in a form that is meaningful to the designated communication system (i.e. phone number or email address).

    • use

      Identifies the purpose for the contact point.

      Possible Values: home, work, temp, old, mobile
  • gender

    Administrative Gender - the gender that the person is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes.

    Possible Values: male, female, other, unknown
  • birthDate

    The date on which the related person was born.

  • address
    Array of object

    Address where the related person can be contacted or visited.

    • use

      The purpose of this address.

      Possible Values: home, work, temp, old, billing
    • line
      Array of string

      This component contains the house number, apartment number, street name, street direction, P.O. Box number, delivery hints, and similar address information.

    • city

      The name of the city, town, suburb, village or other community or delivery center.

    • district

      The name of the administrative area (county).

    • state

      Sub-unit of a country with limited sovereignty in a federally organized country. A code may be used if codes are in common use (e.g. US 2 letter state codes).

    • postalCode

      A postal code designating a region defined by the postal service.

    • country

      Country - a nation as commonly understood or generally accepted.